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Oklahoma’s Creek County Ag Tour going strong for 76 years

Thursday, May 16, 2019 marked the 76th Annual Creek County Ag Tour. The tour started during the WWII era, in the year 1943. The goal of the Creek County Conservation District back in 1943 was to share what the individual farmers were doing on their farms to overcome the effects of the war and depression. Todays goal is very similar except the tour has evolved to other areas of technology that is being utilized in the farming situation. Areas such as alternate fuels and communications were covered this year to show how farming and ranching could adapt to new ideas. Throughout the year members of the planning board take notes and make a list of the interest of area farmers and ranchers and plan for the upcoming tour.

This year’s tour started out at the Mid-America Stockyard, in Bristow, OK, for the registration at 7 am, with 60-80 participants. One of the first stops on the tour was at Sundown Stables in Kellyville, OK. Where participants were given a tour of the facilities, then shown how they provide parties for kids with cupcakes and horseback riding. There were several families on the tour and the children who attended were offered a horseback ride.

Next stop on the tour was at GoBob Pipe & Steel Sales, Inc in Mounds, OK. There were lots of things to look at there with all GoBob products set up in a circle around the tent where participants were treated with a demonstration of the new Cattle Flow™ Elite Convertible and Elite Hydraulic Chutes (see contact information below). Participants were served a top-notch BBQ Lunch prepared by Smokin’ Dave of One Smokin’ Grill. Everyone was treated with bags of GoBob Goodies and an opportunity to win a door prize from GoBob Pipe and others that were donated to the Ag Tour. Winners of the GoBob Door Prizes were as follows; Richard Abbott from Bristow - $50.00 Gift Certificate, Dorothy Word of Bristow - $100.00 Gift Card and Chuck Eldredge of Cushing – Mineral Monster Feeder.

After the group left GoBob the tour continued to Slick, Oklahoma’s Fisher Farms, where they had the opportunity to hear topics about Goats and Sheep as well as hold baby sheep and feel the shorn wool. Next on the tour was Friends of Blue Thumb at a location between Slick and Bristow, the discussion was on the type of fish species found in Oklahoma as well as learning about flood control (just in the Knick of time). The tour also learned about plants that help the soil and the importance of pollination. To close out the day, participants gathered to check out a Hustler Hay Feeder presented by Varner Equipment.

The tour happens every spring on the 3rd Thursday of May. Next will be May 15, 2020 and Creek County welcomes everyone inside and outside of the county to attend. For those who are interested in attending the 2020 Seventy Seventh Annual Creek County Ag Tour please contact the Creek County Conservation District at 918-367-2113 and ask to be notified when the plans are finalized, or follow them on their Facebook page at

To Request Product Information for GoBob Pipe and Steel call 877-851-2365; go to;;

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