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Upcoming Regional Meetings Have Been Scheduled For May

Kansas Cattlemen’s Association (KCA) in association with Multimin USA will host a series of regional cattlemen’s meetings in May. The first of the two events will take place on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 6:00pm in Dodge City, KS. The meeting will be held at Winter Livestock, 1414 E. Trail St. The other meeting will be Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:30 pm in Marysville, KS. The meeting will be held at Marysville Livestock, Inc., 1180 US Hwy 77. A free USA-Beef meal will be served at both meetings.

KCA CEO/Executive Director, Tyler Dupy, will discuss legislation and policy relating to independent cattle production and other KCA initiatives. Dupy will discuss legislation relating to minimum negotiated trade, the 30x30 Executive Order, Beef Checkoff, alternative proteins, and more.

Multimin Technical Veterinarian, Dr. Kevin Cain, will provide a presentation for producers on Animal Health and Nutrition. Multimin’s signature product, Multimin 90, is a FAST-ACTING injectable, aqueous supplemental source of zinc, copper, selenium and manganese. Dr. Cain will present during the Dodge City meeting.

Animal Health Commissioner, Dr. Justin Smith, will discuss topics relating to the Animal Health Division of the Kansas Department of Agriculture during the Dodge City meeting. Currently there are three programs that make up the DAH - Animal Disease Control, Animal Facilities Inspection, Brands Program - all of which work to ensure the health and welfare of Kansas livestock and domestic animals.

Sponsors of the Dodge City event include Sar-Tec Corp., Central States Testing, Blattner Feedlot Construction, American Implement, High Plains Farm Credit, Dodge City International, Livestock Nutrition Center, Pride Ag Resources – Purina, Multimin USA, Winter Livestock, Nutrition Solutions, Roto-Mix, and Rex Stanley Feedyard.

The event in Marysville will have a similar curriculum of Animal Health and Wellness. Sponsors of the Marysville Livestock meeting include: Midwest Crop Insurance, Ag Partners Cooperative, Inc., Titan Trailer Mfg., Inc., LandMark Implement, HydraBed by Triple C, Inc., Linn Post & Pipe Supply, Key Feeds, Frontier Farm Credit, Home Oil Services, Citizens State Bank of Marysville, Marysville Livestock, Inc., Multimin USA, Landoll Corporation, and Farmers Cooperative.

KCA events provide you the opportunity to hear cattle industry information, meet with other independent cattle producers, and learn about the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association. Please feel free to invite your neighbors and friends to come along. The presentations and supper are free and open to the public. To ensure enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP by calling 785-238-1483.



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